Thursday 23 March 2017


Brow threading is fast becoming a thing in Nigeria. For those who don’t know, brow threading is a hair removal method whereby the hairs on your brows are plucked out with a twist of cotton. This is of course done by a professional and in a systemic manner in other to give you desired form. It is not unusual to want to give it a try if you want full, luscious brows. However, threading like waxing can be traumatic for beginners but you don’t have to be unprepared. Here are the essentials to know before you thread your brows or say goodbye to “tiger razor blade”… those who know know. 

What you should know:

1)      Pain- the level of will depend on your tolerance level and especially the skill of the professional handling your brows. Imagine the sensation when you pluck out hair from any part of your body only this time intensified as a lot more is being removed consecutively over a short period of time.

2)      Don’t wear eye make-up before your appointment- the reason for this is because the process will get your make-up smudged besides, those tears that are bound to well up won’t make any foreign substance bearable on your face. Just keep it natural and pumping.

3)      Specify what particular shape you want- so you know how when you  trim your brows  at a new place and the person just feels like an expert and messes up your wicked arc and volume? It is the same way with threading. Be sure to specify to whoever is working on your brows your desired shape-form.

4)      Check the result before paying that Naira- the common thing between a pro brow threader and a hair stylist is that they are both cunny. Tell a stylist you don’t like a particular hair and they find a way to comb it out and make you see a future… that will disappear as soon as you look at yourself in your house mirror. When the threading is done and you are asked if you like it from a mere glance at a mirror, don’t be in a rush… examine it as carefully as you can before giving your consent. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for a further tweak if you find any stray strand. You are going to pay for that thing. Use your money’s worth!

5)      Soothing agent- after the process, you may notice that your brow region is red. The extent depends largely on your skin sensitivity. You may request for your local aloe-vera gel to be applied on it.

6)      Duration of redness- again, depending on your skin’s sensitivity, you may experience a longer or shorter duration than others. You should expect an average time frame of one hour or more before the skin around that region goes back to normal.

7)      Make-up- remember you didn’t use one while commencing; you shouldn’t be too fast to apply one on it after either. Make up can block your pores (which is widely opened after threading). You can get acne and other skin irritations when your pores are clogged. No one wants that so “hol up a minute” before all the extra stuff.

8)      Time for your next appointment- unlike your razor trimming where you have to check in on new growth every other week, with threading, you have about 4-5 weeks window before you are due for a new session. Lesser time to burn at the salon if you ask me.

Have you had your brows threaded before? Was it a yay or nay for you?

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