Saturday 21 January 2017


On November 8 2016, Donald J. Trump won the American presidential election under the Republican Party. He defeated his opponent; Hillary Clinton, former First lady and Secretary of State of the United States. 

Statistics showed that Hillary Clinton won the popular votes by a landslide, but unfortunately, that wasn’t enough as the numbers actually needed is that of the Electoral College.
It was unbelievable, there was an outcry. How can Donald win? Donald the chauvinist, sexist and racist, but Americans had spoken. They wanted Donald.  The “popular” voters were furious. Even non-Americans were sad. It was a gloomy day for the world. 

The question that plagued the mind of most non-Americans was what the fate of immigrants will be. I mean, we all had one or two people living in the US, some legal others not so much. 

As for me, I was as sad as any other person; you would have thought I held a blue passport. I was disappointed at how low the world had stooped. That we will see a wrong right in our faces and not have the guts to stand against it. What was more apparent to me however was that one cannot change the true nature of others. Ultimately, they go with their intuitive beliefs. 

So the memes followed, petition, protest, boycotts and the list go on. Deep down, we all knew it was an exercise in futility, it was the dawn of a new era, and as always, the world would adapt. 

Then came the day everyone dreaded; pro-Clinton supporters anyway; January 20, 2017. It was Inauguration day; the day Donald Trump gets sworn in as the President of the United States.

 I had been following the story on the Internet, people discussing what they would rather be doing than watching the inauguration or attending. I was indifferent. My indifference made its own choice anyway when I returned from work and saw the ceremony on the television. I was pissed. This is really happening. I said I was not going to watch. I refused to be one of the statistics when they calculate the people that tuned in to watch the broadcast. Who was I kidding though? I am not American neither is my anger going to remove him as President and install Hillary. So I returned to watch later.

The ceremony was over at this point though and what I caught was the part where the commentators were comparing Trump’s inauguration with that of Obama. Unsurprisingly, they said the turn out for Obama’s was greater. 

Needless to say Obama was a man of the people and he had, still has tons of supporters. I can’t forget quickly the number of farewell greetings I read online, after a while I stopped reading and just scroll through (even the voltron in me has a saturation point). So I digress, apologies…

Back to Trump, I caught highlights of the ceremony; when he took his oath of office; stern face and all shades of seriousness. He almost looked the part. Not even I could envy the look of admiration on the face of his wife; Melania. 

 For the first time, they looked real to me, like a couple truly happy for the others achievement. That part didn’t look scripted.

 I may be bias anyway; Melania stole my heart from earlier when they met the Obama’s in that blue number from Ralph Lauren. 


I think like Michelle Obama, we are going to love her fashion choices. I may just follow up on their Presidency because of her. She is gorgeous. 

Donald did not surprise anyone with his first act as President. He reportedly signed an executive order to repeal Obamacare; the affordable care Act signed into law by former President Obama. Trump will have the Act repealed without proposing an alternative plan for the people. The Republicans have hated that one since the very beginning, so no shock there either.

Not to seem like a Trump hater in this piece (yes I know that is a far reach). This article is very much an opinionated one; notwithstanding, I look forward to seeing how Trump tackles terrorism. If he put his money where he mouth was, then I am sure a lot of people including me will look past his indiscretion and wish him a successful presidency.

God bless America and God bless the world.

1 comment:

  1. Not everyone is going to like everyone but I think the best thin to do is support Donald Trump ' s leadership. I say this because America is world power and therefore the American president is regarded as world president. For what it's worth, people should start learning that what matters the most is the office which the leader holds and not the personality of the leader.
